Sunday, June 18, 2006

He did it!!!

This evening Ben officially crawled — more than a couple steps!!

What was he after you ask?!? The remote control of course!! And then Mike's Playstation cordless controller! It was so amazing to see.. Mike and I were sitting there holding our breaths watching him move more and more and more! He got a good 4-5 feet before collapsing! We have been trying to show my step-mom that he was almost crawling, but he never would (of course!) but tonight he crawled to her a bit.. so cute! And then he crawled a bit for my dad when he came home.

I knew it would just be a matter of time before he crawled further... he crawls back and forth in his crib and he even tried it in his bath tonight!

I am so proud of my little boy Benjamin... He is the light of my life.

And what a great day for it to happen on — Father's Day!! Will make it even MORE memorable! I think Mike had a good day/weekend. His parents were here visiting while on their way up north for camping. We even got to go out for a date yesterday.. a quick lunch and matinée with Kerry and Trevor. It was really nice to get out. Sometime soon we will have to get out just the two of us.. We went to MacDonald Beach today with the dogs. That was fun.. the sun was shining and the girls had a blast playing in the water :D


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