Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Getting down to the wire...

My apologies for not updating my blog sooner. Where to begin?! Well, I am still preggers! It's 11 days until my due date and we are getting very very anxious wondering when the big event is going to take place. I go for another check-up today to hopefully determine if there is any progress and guesstimate when the little bébé is going to make his/her big appearance. The hospital bags are packed and now we wait!

Not working right now has been tricky trying to keep busy.. but I run out of energy very quickly so it is nice to be able to have a nap here and there. I have a hard time going to sleep some nights so it is comforting knowing that I can make up for it the next day while I can! It's nice having some time to myself and just read a book on the bed with my dogs (who have been extra protective and cuddly lately — could it be a sign that the big day is getting closer!?)

Oh! And we got the house! We move in next month.. I could start packing a bit, but still have to get boxes and at this point we don't really have space to keep the boxes anywhere! It will all get done. I am excited to be in the new house as it is much bigger. I haven't lived in a house (other than this tiny duplex) since I was about 11 years old. It is going to be great. But a lot of work for my dad and Mike because they are putting in a complete basement suite downstairs. It will be a busy fall/winter!

Will keep you posted!


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