Sunday, January 22, 2006

Times they are a changing...

You know, you hear from other people (before you have kids) how much time flies and how quickly your children grow right before your eyes. But it doesn't really seem to ring true until you have a kid of your own and you realize "My goodness! They really do grow and change SO fast!". I can't believe it.

Ben is such a wonderful little boy. He is sleeping pretty good in his crib now on his own (as opposed to the cradle in our room). He is drooling a lot more so I think teething might be on it's way, but he loves having his mouth open and his tongue hanging out :) So funny.

I don't know how much he weighs (approx. 14lbs as he is on #2 diapers) but he seems quite big to me. Not overly chubby, but really long. We'll have to see how much he has grown since December when he gets his next round of shots.

Last night my wicked step-mother (tee hee) watched Ben for a couple hours so Mike and I could go out for a bit. We went and got a coffee and looked at Chapters, and did exactly what I was trying to avoid doing: shop and talk about the boy! We had to buy him some adorable clothes that we saw! It is official now more than ever that Ben truly is the centre of our universe.. and I couldn't be happier :)


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