Friday, March 10, 2006

A new and improved Ben!!

It seems like Ben is learning how to sleep!! And his parents are learning the tricks to get him to that point! No more naps after dinner (he doesn't seem to need them anymore).. just playtime until about 8pm and then he nurses for an hour and then he goes to bed! The last couple nights have been extremely good — sleeping a good 8.5 to 9 hours. He wakes up a little bit, but is able to go back to sleep on his own. Fingers crossed he keeps it up :)

We went to the river tonight to walk the dogs and bundled Ben up in a sweater I got from my Grandma. First time wearing it.. it is a Backwards Sweater, meaning the zipper is on his back so it doesn't rub on his chin and it is easier to get on than other sweaters! Not to mention absolutely adorable!

He is getting funnier and funnier each day. Sometimes I think he is trying to make me laugh.. today on our walk I was trying to get Lola to jump on a stump that she normally jumps up on and out of nowhere Ben started laughing! It was hilarious. He is learning to make the funniest high-pitched noises, and that he can make them inhaling AND exhaling!! Rolling over is getting easier and easier for him, too.

The Jolly Jumper is new thing around here.. He is learning how to jump really good in it! So fun to sit and watch him and talk to him. But (as you can see by his front) it does cause a few spit ups! And the reason why he is so wet is because he loves to try and drink from my water cup and then drool it all over himself! It was going on PJ time so I wasn't about to change him AGAIN!


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