Tuesday, July 04, 2006

9 months!!

Today is Ben's 9month birthday! I made this little montage/video to remember how fast the time has gone by. Enjoy!!

Create your own video at One True Media


Blogger cathy said...

Oh...that brought goosebumps to my arms and head.

What a little love.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Lynn said...

Aww... so sweet. I'm so emotional today that made me cry! Beautiful montage - my how time flys. What a little man you have on your hands now.

2:00 PM  
Blogger bigtrav said...

I love it!!
Wow, he sure has changed!
He was so small!.. nearly fit in your hand, C!

I am a little bothered, though..
you made me listen to ColdPlay!!

Beautiful pix of Ben, though.
Thanx for Ben and the vid.


12:44 PM  
Blogger Debbie said...

Oh My Gosh!! That was BEAUTIFUL Cynthia!! It brought tears to my eyes! What a precious 9 months it has been! They grow too fast! I think it is time for more babies!! LOL!

9:30 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Merriman said...

Thanks for the nice comments everyone (except for the GAY comment, Trav!). It was a lot of fun to make.. brought back a TON of emotions.

Debs, sometimes I think it is time for another baby, but then I quickly change my mind when I am chasing Ben around the house keeping him out of trouble! Oy!

7:32 AM  
Blogger bigtrav said...



2:46 PM  

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