Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ben's got a brand new chair

Oh yes. He does. Whether or not he decides to sit in it (as opposed to climbing out of it and landing on his head!) is a different story. It was impossible to get a pic of him in it by myself.. will try again on the weekend!

It's super cute, though. Blue muskoka chair with Elmo on it, and ladybugs :D It looks cool seeing it on the deck with our two muskoka chairs!

Tomorrow Granny and Grampa are coming for a visit! They are bringing us a cover for the deck which we (will be) buying off of their friends. Will make the deck a bit more livable. It is mom and dad's 35th anniversary on Monday and they are taking the train up to Whistler for the day. And it is nice that we get a visit with them.. there's no stopping Granny from seeing her boy! He has changed so much in the 4 weeks since they saw him last.

I was just thinking this morning of how much I love this kid. I think that all the time of course, but everyonce in a while I feel it even more. He is so amazing. I put him down for his morning nap and he just goes to sleep wonderfully all by himself. Magic. Even if he wakes up in the middle of the night, he goes back to bed so good for me. It gives us a nice cuddle time, too.


Blogger cathy said...

Ben! You have a big boy chair now! Congratulations! You look adorable in your chair, getting comfortable with it! Careful!

10:35 AM  
Blogger Lynn said...

OMG he's growing so fast! I just realised that Mealie will be 10 mos tomorrow... scary! How time flies...
I always love to see the pictures of your little man, his grin always lights up my day!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Mrs. Merriman said...

Cathy: Thanks for the comments, always accepted with big open *hug* arms!! :D

Lynn: He IS growing fast! Mealie is growing up too fast, too! 10 months already?!? Ben is almost there!!

11:17 PM  

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