Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Our new blog!!

Please update your favourites... Ben is not a "baby" anymore so I thought now was the time to make a FAMILY blog :D

Come read what adventures we are up to, even if it is just our day to day life! There is never a dull moment in The Merriman home!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


So we are back from our camping trip to the Island! It was interesting to say the least!! We forgot our air mattress so we had to buy another one. The weather was nice (we were at Longbeach) but cool in the evening. I even got a tan. Gadzooks! That is unheard of for me! Ben was pretty good, though. Considering everything was out of sorts, and he wasn't in his crib at home, he did great.

We have a WONDERFUL tent thanks to Mike's parents, a three room Woods tent, so Ben had his own "room" with his playpen for him to sleep. Was nice to have him right beside us where he could see us. There was an area for the dogs to sleep, and Ben got to crawl around in there (as opposed to eating rocks outside!) It was sure a lot of work, though. Wouldn't have been able to do it without my wonderful Mother-in-law! Wow! She is/was such a big help!!

I think the poor guy was just starting to come down with something during the trip though as he was pretty fussy sometimes and didn't want to sleep. Must be more teeth coming in.. he had a fever for a couple days when we came home but he is tip-top now!

Mike and his brother got to go surfing! Don't have pics yet to share, but will soon! He had a blast :D

Ben's 1st hair cut!

So we finally did it! Ben's hair was getting pretty long, and since I am unable to put a clip in it I got it trimmed!

He was SUCH a good boy! I was getting my hair done, so while mine was "processing", he sat on my lap and Cat snipped away :D Not a peep out of him.. he chewed on the end of a rubber brush and looked at her a couple times as if to say "What are you doing up there!" but it looks great. He looks less baby-ish now and more of a little boy!


After... much better!