Thursday, June 30, 2005

Camping: A whole new experience when preggers..

This past weekend we (Mike, my sister Melissa, her son Devante, the girls and myself) went camping to Oliver, BC. We met with my grandma Joanne, my uncle Tim and my mum's partner Don.

Luckily the weather was great most of the trip. Some mosquitos, sunny skies, a little cloud cover, warm and toasty. Sunday night brought a doozy of a storm — the thunder was amazing! We drove through some storms on our way up there on Friday night, but this was incredible. Being in a tent with two chicken-dogs (and a chicken-mom!) during the whole ordeal was something else.. The thunder seemed to go on FOREVER! The rain and the wind were horrible. The tent was shaking like we were in the Blair Witch Project movie.. not fun. But we survived the storm and got to pack up the next morning in the rain :)

Thank goodness for a decent airmattress though.. and an outhouse at least! Squatting in the bushes might have been the ultimate challenge for me! We were able to borrow a nice big tent from Myken (thanks!!) so that made getting dressed much easier! Can't say I will be going camping again though before the baby arrives.. unless I am in a cabin.

The purpose of our camping trip was to spread my mum's ashes where she grew up in Oliver and where my grandpa's ashes are as well. Got to hike up a steep rocky hillside (very slowly for me!) and then come to a beautiful spot where my mum played and caught snakes as a young girl. It was a very, very emotional experience to say the least. But it is done, and hopefully she is at rest and with my grandpa Perry. We all love you and miss you so much, mum.


Thursday, June 16, 2005

Lights.. Camera.. ACTION!

Well the little bugger seems to be on more of a schedule these days. I know that at about 6am, I can lay on my side and REALLY feel it kick one side of me and punch the other. At about 11:30, it wakes up from its restful slumber and decides it is going to dance and party in there! Then I guess it has a siesta and wakes up around 3.. I feel fluttering down low at different parts of the day. I know the head is up high and the feet are low so it must be kicking me. A lovely/strange feeling all at once!

Today I was able to look down at my bare belly and SEE my stomach move when it kicked. Spooky..

Ultrasound number 2

Baby Merriman on June 10th, 2005 :)

Saturday, June 11, 2005

The latest ultrasound...

So to much anticipation (but dreading the full bladder) we got to have our second ultrasound of Baby Merriman on Friday June 11th. It was much more exciting this time around — it was moving around the whole time!

The nice technician took all the measurements needed — feet were 4cm already! Once the details were taken, I got to go pee! Then Mike came in and we watched in amazement at the baby moving around on the monitor. It is actually ours! It's in my belly! I think we were too shocked and in awe to get emotional at this point.

Waiting until the big day! About 100 days to go...

Friday, June 10, 2005

A sneak peek..

Here are the first photos of Baby Merriman from April 15th.. how quickly they grow!