Monday, September 26, 2005

tick tock tick tock

Yes. The baby is late. I wish it weren't (trust me!!) but it is out of my hands! I guess the little bambino doesn't want to come out just yet. Going to the doctors today so we'll see what the verdict is.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Getting down to the wire...

My apologies for not updating my blog sooner. Where to begin?! Well, I am still preggers! It's 11 days until my due date and we are getting very very anxious wondering when the big event is going to take place. I go for another check-up today to hopefully determine if there is any progress and guesstimate when the little bébé is going to make his/her big appearance. The hospital bags are packed and now we wait!

Not working right now has been tricky trying to keep busy.. but I run out of energy very quickly so it is nice to be able to have a nap here and there. I have a hard time going to sleep some nights so it is comforting knowing that I can make up for it the next day while I can! It's nice having some time to myself and just read a book on the bed with my dogs (who have been extra protective and cuddly lately — could it be a sign that the big day is getting closer!?)

Oh! And we got the house! We move in next month.. I could start packing a bit, but still have to get boxes and at this point we don't really have space to keep the boxes anywhere! It will all get done. I am excited to be in the new house as it is much bigger. I haven't lived in a house (other than this tiny duplex) since I was about 11 years old. It is going to be great. But a lot of work for my dad and Mike because they are putting in a complete basement suite downstairs. It will be a busy fall/winter!

Will keep you posted!