Friday, April 28, 2006


Well Ben could be crawling any day now! Here is a pic of him this morning :) Time to start baby-proofing!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Funny guy..

Had to share some funny (and cute!) pictures of Ben :)

Monday, April 17, 2006

The latest adventures of Ben!

Ben had a wonderful first Easter with his Grandparents (who spoiled him rotten of course!). It was great being able to spend the weekend with Mike, too. No overtime!!

Mike snuck in Ben's room last night to snatch a picture of him sleeping up on his knees with his little bum in the air :) After Ben woke up from his morning nap I peeked in on him and saw him flip onto his tummy, get his knees under him, push one arm up and started rocking back and forth. Tried to get the camera in time to take footage, but he rolled back over. Was so amazing to see, though!!

We went to the park today and he went in the baby swing. Had to put him in backwards though because the sun was in his eyes! Was getting very tired though, started falling asleep — time to head home!

Oh! And he is sitting up on his own now! And for the first time ever he is able to hold onto a different toy in each hand. Next comes banging them together!!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Will he be crawling soon??

Benjamin has started to get on his knees and up on one arm, his little bum in the air rocking back and forth a bit. But not able to lift his head up! Quite funny to see, though! He is reaching out and grabbing EVERYTHING that he can, and them gets mad when he can't get it! He sure is a determined little boy.

His Granny and Grampa are here visiting him for Easter (Mike was supposed to be working but got the weekend off! Yay!!) and I am sure we will have more pictures to post soon.

Happy Easter everyone!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ben is 6 months today!!

Today Benjamin is 6 months old! Well, at 11:34pm he is.. but close enough!! I can't believe how fast time has gone. Seems like yesterday that I was at the hospital waiting to be induced and already having minor contractions (and major butterflies in my tummy!). And you really do forget the pain.. you know it hurt, but you can't remember it all. I wrote down the story of my labour.. you can re-read it here. Benjamin's Story

Ben is doing wonderful though. He is learning to fall asleep on his own at naptime (Thanks to Cathy for all the advice!) and things are going great. He gets three, sometimes 4, naps a day, lasting about 30-45 minutes each. I am so proud of him. He is a SUPER boy. Wouldn't change him for the world.