Monday, August 29, 2005

Under 30 days now..

Mike and I are feeling such anticipation, nerves (me more than him!), suspense, excitement and eagerness the closer we get to the due date. We are going to be parents! It is just 26 days away. But will it be sooner? These things aren't exactly scheduled! Where will I be when I go into labour? Will my water break? So many questions!

I got for another check-up tomorrow so I am going to ask the doctor what he thinks the predicted weight is so far! Will I be having a 10lb baby?!? Time will only tell! As long as it is healthy that is all that matters...

We find out this week if we will be moving soon into a new house. Just waiting on final details from the home inspection but it is pretty much a 99.9% done deal. Pretty exciting! Not looking forward to moving, but the house is much bigger that our current dwelling and the yard is fenced for the dogs.

It needs some reno's and a lot of paint inside, but it is liveable. Great location. The most stressfull thing is that we will be moving in October, with a newborn baby. Don't know how much packing I will be able to do, but I can do my best. We have lots of friends who have offered to help :) Mike just loves the kitchen. I have named it the Ghetto Kitchen. It's one of a kind that's for sure! Red vinyl tufted dining nook, dark brown cupboards, oh yes it is a classic! The office upstairs is amazing though. Will be a great space to work.. And the tub! Its a big pink jacuzzi with gold fixtures! Any takers?!

Friday, August 19, 2005

5 weeks and counting..

Well. I am 35 weeks tomorrow. Time is FLYING by and the due date is approaching at a faster pace than I thought it would. And if the baby decides that it wants out of there early, it could be a lot sooner than September 24th! Can't wait to not be pregnant though so these swollen feet can get a bit of a rest. That is the worst so far..

My baby shower is this weekend, hosted by my best friend Kerry. Looking forward to it.. she has been planning this thing forever! First baby shower means major attention to detail! There will be about 20 people attending, all ready to rub my belly like I am Buddha and make predictions on when it will make its big appearance! And we can't forget about the presents!!

We went for our hospital tour on Wednesday night. That was a bit of a wake-up knowing that we will be there soon enough for the real event! Last time I was there was to visit a friend, Deanna, who gave birth to beautiful Lauren three years ago. Deanna is actually due with her second three days after me! But we were also there with my sister 5 years ago next week when she gave birth to my nephew Devante. That was scarier because we were there for the screaming and pain and "colourful" language! Wow.

Fingers crossed all goes well! Mike's mum has her routes planned for the big day. She knows the ferry schedules and the plane schedules and has her credit card ready!

Monday, August 08, 2005

47 Days to go..

Here I am in the backyard. Mike insisted on taking a belly-shot :) At least there isn't a close up of the swollen feet!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Camping Part Deux

The Merriman clan (Mike, the dogs and myself - with child of course) all ventured up to Tunkwa Lake to camp with my grandparents Colleen and Herb from Kamloops. Normally going camping wouldn't be such a big deal to me, but being 8 months preggers I must confess that it sucked the big one. Great to visit, but not comfortable.

We don't see my grandparents all too often so I figured this was my one chance to (a) see them before the baby is born and (b) see them for probably another year or so. They don't make it to Vancouver very often so I was suckered into camping with them.

Tunkwa and Leighton Lakes are beautiful lakes, near Logan Lake (outside of Merritt, BC) but extremely windy. There was also a fire this weekend outside of Merritt so the sky was extremely red and smokey. Ick. Could've been worse, though...

My grandparents have a 10 month old miniature schnauzer named Max and he is one of the cutest and sweetest puppies I have ever met. Lola and him got along great.. I think he really looked up to her (literally!!) and learned a lot from playing with the girls.

I regret that I don't have any pictures to post but my darling hubbie accidentally left the camera on while we were driving up Saturday morning and it was dead when we arrived. I think he managed to take a couple shots (one of the table!) but nothing to exciting or worth submitting for a photo contest. Poor guy.. he felt like an ass. Partly because he also forgot his flippers for his float tube (the other part of going camping was so that he could get one last fishing trip in before his child enters the world!) so he was limited to shore fishing. Windy lake + fly line = hard to fish. He didn't bring his spincasting rod either — double doh!

But we (I) survived the trip and even got a bit of sun that didn't include a burn. Mike had an okay time and the girls I think had the best time of us all. It was great visiting with the g-parents, but I am sure glad to be at home in my own bed and not on a shitty air mattress in a tent.

We got into a minor "accident" on the way home in Abbotsford while filling up for cheap gas. A guy with a big pick-up truck backed into us and we now have to get a new front bumper and whatnot. Hopefully that is all but it will be getting inspected nontheless.

Baby is doing well, growing lots and being very active in there. Doctor's check-up was yesterday and all is fine. Heartbeat is about 140bpm, some would say that means it is a boy. I myself have no idea.. we'll see what we get. 52 days to go!

Take care everyone and hope to update again soon..