Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oy, what a day (and night!)

Well Ben is cutting at least 3 (maybe four, hard to see!) top teeth right now and has his very first cold. And to make things worse he got his 6 month shots today, too! He was cranky most of the day - not sure what he wanted. Last night was pretty rough sleep wise so hopefully tonight is better. All I can hope for is that he doesn't get a fever. Tomorrow is our baby group but I don't think I am going to take him. We will take 'er easy.

My sister and her son Devante came over this afternoon for a little visit. Devante will be 6 in August and just loves his cousin Ben to bits!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

B is for Benjamin!

The other day I was feeling like I needed to paint a picture for Ben. Haven't been in school for quite a while and it's pretty much been that long since I painted. So out came the Arches watercolour pad, watercolour paints, pencil crayons and acryila gouache and voila! Ben has a new picture for his bedroom. Was happy that I completed it in two days and it wasn't another on going project!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Almost a year already..

Well tomorrow marks the one year anniversary since Mum died. I miss her so much and think about her every single day, to the point sometimes that it is hard to believe she is no longer here. I wish that she could have met Ben, seen him grow, smile, hear his first words. I often think of calling her, then I have to remind myself. Most of all I wish that she was here for my sister. She was such a huge support for her, and I try my best to be there for her as much as I am able to. I just wanted to share a few pictures, to remember her.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Happy *belated* Mother's Day!

Hope all the mum's out there had a great Mother's Day like I did! We went to Lake Cowichan to see Mike's parents and it was such a nice visit. 4 days felt like over a week and was so great to kick back and relax. Ben was an awesome little guy while travelling and he slept all night every night we were there.

I got spoiled, too!! Mike gave me a beautiful white gold locket with a little picture of my Ben Ben in it, and Mike's parents got me a hilarious book (The Toddler's Owner Manual!) and a muchly needed new DustBuster! Yay! Now I can vacuum up all those dropped cheerios! Travis (brother-in-law) was able to come over for a visit from Victoria on Friday.. don't get to see him much so it was nice that he made it. His g/f Natalie was unable to come over because of work but we did get to see her on Monday on our way home! Trav gave me a beautiful little Willow Tree "Angel of Kindness" figurine and Mike a "New Dad" figurine. We have about four from this collection now. They are nice.

The shirt Ben is wearing in the top pic is from my Dad and stepmom Lena :)

It was a hard weekend, though. Thinking of my mum the whole time of course. Every year we would pick her lilacs and I gave her a card wrote "Happy Monster Day!" in it. I apparently said it when I was 2 :) This Monday marks the one year anniversary of her death. Going to be a tough day.. Can't believe it has been a year already. And what a year it has been. Miss you Mum.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Caroline Mae!

Our friends Cathy and Cliff became parents again tonight to a little girl named Caroline Mae :) She has 4 older siblings (Cameron, Claire, Carly and Catie) who have been anxiously waiting the arrival of the newest member of the family!

Can't wait to meet you baby Caroline!