Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A trip to Kamloops

This past weekend we went on a quick trip to Kamloops to visit some of my family. Other than going to the Island at Christmas time, this was Ben's first road trip! All in all, I think he did pretty good. I lived in Kamloops for a while when I was younger, was born there, so it is always like a walk down memory lane when I go there.

Friday afternoon we drove to my Grandparents (my biological dad's side) house to spend the night. They have never had the chance to meen Ben so they were very excited. My grandma has cancer again and going through treatments so hopefully we were able to cheer her up a bit. Saturday we went to my Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mike's house.. my cousins Katie (4) and Sophie (7 months) are just so adorable and wonderful :) Managed to get a photo of Sophie but not Katie.. she has the bluest eyes and the chubbiest cheeks I have ever seen! Sunday morning right after breakfast we zipped to the other end of Kamloops to see my Aunt Laurie and my Grandma on my mom's side. It was so great seeing them. I wish we could have stayed there longer. They hadn't met Ben either and he was a hit! My cousins Hayley (10) and Raymond (4) are hilarious and were very happy to meet Benjamin. It was an emotional time leaving because I am very close with both of them - my aunt is just 7 years older than me. Seeing my aunt reminded me so much of my mom I couldn't help but cry. Never realized how much they look like eachother.

Oh, and Ben had a taste of Cherrios for the first time (so funny!) and sucked on a strawberry a bit :) Look how big his teeth are getting! The hat he is wearing was made by his Granny.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happy Birthday to me!!

I know this is a Blog all about Ben, but today is my 27th Birthday and being his mum I thought it would be okay for me to share with everyone the lovely cake that Mike baked (and decorated) for me last night!! So cute and thoughtful :) But I think that he spelled "birthday" wrong.. that just makes it even better, though!!

And I had to post a couple more pics of his royal highness :P (You can see his little teeth in one of them!)

Friday, March 10, 2006

A new and improved Ben!!

It seems like Ben is learning how to sleep!! And his parents are learning the tricks to get him to that point! No more naps after dinner (he doesn't seem to need them anymore).. just playtime until about 8pm and then he nurses for an hour and then he goes to bed! The last couple nights have been extremely good — sleeping a good 8.5 to 9 hours. He wakes up a little bit, but is able to go back to sleep on his own. Fingers crossed he keeps it up :)

We went to the river tonight to walk the dogs and bundled Ben up in a sweater I got from my Grandma. First time wearing it.. it is a Backwards Sweater, meaning the zipper is on his back so it doesn't rub on his chin and it is easier to get on than other sweaters! Not to mention absolutely adorable!

He is getting funnier and funnier each day. Sometimes I think he is trying to make me laugh.. today on our walk I was trying to get Lola to jump on a stump that she normally jumps up on and out of nowhere Ben started laughing! It was hilarious. He is learning to make the funniest high-pitched noises, and that he can make them inhaling AND exhaling!! Rolling over is getting easier and easier for him, too.

The Jolly Jumper is new thing around here.. He is learning how to jump really good in it! So fun to sit and watch him and talk to him. But (as you can see by his front) it does cause a few spit ups! And the reason why he is so wet is because he loves to try and drink from my water cup and then drool it all over himself! It was going on PJ time so I wasn't about to change him AGAIN!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ben's first big bath!

Last night marked my first bath with Benjamin! Man, those little suckers are slippery when wet!! I borrowed one of those bath rings from a friend (thanks Cathy!) but it doesn't suction 100% because our lovely big pink tub is textured on the bottom. He was so casual about the whole thing — leaned back, one arm over the side. LOL.. should have taken a picture but get too nervous with the camera around water! I finally just had him between my legs on his own and he thought that was great! He kept looking up at me and smiling :) I would kick my legs and he would figure out that he could kick them, too! It was great fun.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

5 months!

Saturday marked Ben's 5 month birthday! And this weekend Ben's Granny and Grampa visited (Mike's parents). It is always great seeing them. Ben was as charming as ever! Mike and I even got to go out for dinner — by ourselves! — for our anniversary! It was great :)

Here are some pics of Ben in his new Jolly Jumper for the first time!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Not much new..

Not much new in Ben's world lately. His teeth are coming in pretty fast. In fact I think he might be teething again. Could more teeth arrive so soon?? Poor little guy. It is so hard to soothe a fussy baby sometimes.

Today is our 4 year wedding anniversary.. I can't believe that 4 years ago today I was marrying my wonderful guy Mike :) And we have a wonderful baby, too! It makes me so happy that we have grown so much together, and are still so in love. Ben is proof of it! I think this amazing child is a creation of everything good in both of us. I love my family.